2012년 9월 22일 토요일

Abraham Lincoln, Black paper and a chalk

Media: Black Paper, Chalk 

Title: Abraham Lincoln 


 First of all, I did no longer use eight grids and just started from what I could see obviously. I started from the nose (center) so that I do not mess up other parts. Sometimes, the whole object is moved towards one side because parts of the figure are not in the right place.
             Compare to surface contour on the “seated boy,” Lincoln sculpture was similar because I can see no contour line around the figure because it is not a drawing. It is a real three-dimensional object which does not have contour lines because contour lines can be changed as I change my location.
             It could help me increase range of value from light to dark because the paper itself is black and I can create the brightest just by using a white chalk. However, I do not really know that my range has been increased by this exercise but I can tell that this exercise was really fun and I enjoyed it. It was something I never tried before. 

Negative/Positive Bird

I wanted to fill this negative area with something aquatic. 
I started from the bottom of the drawing. 
I filled  with coil-fish with waves, and then scale-like pattern on the right side of the drawing. 
After that, I was about to draw under water view on the left side, but I changed my mind to draw a well. A well has many bricks and they have many cracks which I can also include more details. The well is divided by sticks. Actually, it is a kite. The kite has four long lines crossing the circle and one corner is flipped by wind a little bit (my setting). 
I also wanted to add some water drop around the well. 
I was satisfied with this drawing. (I was just too tired to draw more details so I decided to be satisfied with it........) Good! Well done Laura. Compliments for myself. 
Finished by September 22, 2012. by Eunjung Kim

2012년 9월 20일 목요일

Crosshatching Still life drawing

Media: Pencil 2D Crosshatching Drawing 

We did positive/negative still life in the class. We were to use crosshatching to draw the still life. The purpose of this assignment was to understand the values of light and dark. Cross lines were projected over the still life which could also help illustrate the objects' three dimensional shape. The lines go straight on the background and they deform as they pass the still life.

Crosshatching lines were expected to be flat on the background since it is flat screen (Shadow of the still life looks a little three dimensional because of reflecting light when I was taking the picture). I emphasized the body sculpture, because, as you can see in the original picture taken, there is not much detail on the darkened side of the sculpture.
This crosshatching technique was expected throughout our assignments given previously, such as negative/positive still life and bird. The blank space of the paper was expected to be filled with any kinds of drawing, pattern, or etc. We did not have to do great or excellent on that drawing assignment but just to familiarize with the pencil’s characteristics, and dark and light values.

In my opinion, the concept of this exercise is for better understanding of three dimensional shapes and use of crosshatching. Additionally, contour drawing was one of the concepts. We did not copy contour lines that were there beforehand, but we made contour lines by ourselves by looking at the real figure.