2012년 9월 29일 토요일

Crosshatching Seated Boy

Media: B's, H's pencils, eraser, and seated boy drawing

I drew a contour line first and started shading with 2B. I started crosshatching. I crossed lines over to create dark values. 2Bs were not very effective for dark values such as armpit, so I used 4Bs. Extreme dark values were created by 8B. It was very soft. Under the butt was really dark so that I could not even tell what was under there, whether it is blanket or something else. I figured that extremely dark values have light value right next to it, and they contrast. Even if there is shadow, there is reflecting light. There was brightest light around his face. The boy seems like facing the light which makes shadow driven over him. Contour line didn’t exist there but it was distinguishable because dark and light value changes. The purpose of this assignment was to understand, create the dark and light values by using crosshatching

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